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Displaying 1- 3 of 3 records found
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Acacia omalophylla


Almonds Road,, WILBY VIC 3728 - Property No T11199

Rare and localised Acacia omalophylla is listed as an endangered species in Victoria, and this stand is the largest known example of this species in the State. Another smaller stand (2-3 old trees & 50 suckers) occurs at Yalca. Located at an altitude of 150m, an area of approximately 2 ha has been fenced off from agricultural use. The stand appears of an even age, however there is sucker regrowth around the perimeter and open areas. Numerous stands of ... more



Acacia omalophylla


Burramine Road,, TUNGAMAH VIC 3728 - Property No T11200

Rare or localised A stand of three trees of a species which is rare in Victoria. This stand is about 15km north west of the large stand at Wilby. The three trees have blown over but one particular specimen is very large, having a height of 15m (refer measurements). The paddock is grazed and cropped and there are no suckers. The owner has agreed to fence off the stand. These trees are located in a paddock on the east side Burramine Road, 4.8 km NNE from Tungamah. ... more



Acacia omalophylla


Picola-Katunga Road, YALCA VIC 3637 - Property No T11983

Rare or localised Located by the Uniting Church, 100 metres west on the north side of the road. This species is rare in Victoria, the only other known locality is at Lake Rowan. In the 1920's Dr Willis recalls a large stand of mature trees in the paddock and a picture taken in 1962 shows 3 large trees in the adjoining paddock similar in size to the Lake Rowan population. The 1978 report by LaTrobe University mentions the trees as 20-25 feet tall and moribund. This stand ... more

